Galaxy Swapper



What do we offer?

Over 1000+ items

Galaxy Swapper v2 has more than 1000+ items to choose from! Everyday we add items most suggested in our community!

Safe & Easy to use

Galaxy Swapper is safe and undetected program with a 0% ban rate! We also provide a clean and simple user interface!

Virus detection

This application is not a 'verified' windows application and may be flagged as a virus.


Galaxy Swapper

Powerful tool that allows you to swap a cosmetic to your most wanted cosmetic completely for free!


48 hour key

To gain access to Galaxy Swapper you must claim a key you can claim a free 48-hour key here, you can claim this key multiple times every 48 hours.


.NET Core 7

Galaxy Swapper is runs on .NET Core 7 and you must have that installed to run it. You can download it here.
